SUMMER GAMES Written by Iron-K in 2014 After driving around for fifteen minutes with his eyes to the side of the narrow mountain road, Susi finally spotted the carved wooden sign he'd been looking for nailed to one of the trees. He hit the indicator despite being the only one on the road he'd seen for miles, and began to guide the car down the steep driveway that was barely distinguishable from the undergrowth on either side. He drove gingerly further as leaves brushed against the sides of the car, wondering if he really did have the right place. But after turning a corner and getting on to flat ground again, the trees lining the road thinned and he saw his destination - a wood cabin nestled at the edge of the clearing. It was a wide one-story redwood building with a shallow slanted roof, the wood gleaming under the afternoon sun - it had obviously been built within just the last year. A porch was visible outside the front door and running around towards the far side of the house, bordered by a stylized rough-hewn railing. Reaching the end of the track, he turned sharply and guided the car on to the patch of scattered gravel in front of the building, next to the one he recognized as the older of the two that belonged to Isla's parents. As he turned the engine off, a glint of sunlight coming off the window in the front door alerted him to it being opened, and he looked up as the blue lizardess herself stepped out on to the front porch. "Hi!" she greeted him brightly as she leaned on the railing, watching him as he clambered out of the car and nudged the door closed behind him. "We've been waiting for you!" "Yeah, I got lost," he replied, jumping up the front steps and accepting her embrace. "Your parents didn't make this easy to find..." "Heh, yeah..." she nodded over his shoulder. "But that means that nobody's going to disturb us this week!" "Sounds like exactly what I need..." Susi smiled. She turned around and he followed her through the front door, stretching his legs after the long drive. He saw the girls' shoes in the corner of the little entrance area, and leaned on the doorframe as he kicked his sandals off to put them with them. The interior was as impressive as the outside - they were in a hallway made of the same polished wood as the outside, with afternoon light streaming in from a skylight and casting a pattern across the floor. "Come on!" Isla encouraged him, taking a step to the right where the corridor widened out. "They've been really looking forward to this..." "Heh..." Susi moved around her and walked the few steps into the main living area of the cabin, instantly meeting eyes with the three other girls who were going to be staying the week. They were hurriedly tidying up some card game they had had out on the table. "Su!" the pink dragon exclaimed, budging herself out from behind the table and getting up to wrap her arms around him. He chuckled at her enthusiasm, giving her a kiss on the muzzle as they hugged closely. "It's been too long!" "It really has," he nodded. "But we're going to make up for it..." He grinned broadly as the two other reptilians - Ianthe, a sand-yellow lizardess and Cindy, a white dragon - came in and he accepted an embrace from each of them in turn. "This is amazing... am I going to be among the girls this whole week?" "For today!" Isla said from behind him. "Nyte's coming tomorrow morning, and he's picking up Dave on the way." "You know he doesn't like being called that..." Cindy reminded her, wagging her finger as she straightened the last of the things out on the table. "Ugh. Yeah, I know," Isla said, smacking her forehead with her palm. "At least Su here doesn't mind a nickname..." She shook her head, then pointed at the pink dragon. "Gwen, you want to give him the tour? We'll get things ready." "Sure!" The pink dragoness bounced towards Susi and gestured around the room breathlessly before he had a chance to speak. "This is where we'll be spending most of our time - we've got a kitchen over at that end, and that's a bathroom..." she said as she pointed to a door in the corner. With her other hand, she grasped Susi's arm and eagerly led him out of the front room. "What are they getting ready for...?" he asked her curiously as they walked the short corridor, passing the front entrance again. "These are the bedrooms," she continued, ignoring the question, as they reached a turn in the corridor with three doors at right-angles. "Boys are over there, girls are in here," she said, pointing to the two opposite doors with two hands and turning around to look him in the eye. She only held her straight face for a couple of seconds before it dissolved into a laugh. "I'm just kidding - you're in here with us," she said, beckoning as she opened the door on the left. Susi followed her through into the large bedroom, where two queen-sized beds were placed to face a large set of floor-to-ceiling windows, through which the forest was visible beyond the porch that ran around the house. The ceiling here was higher, with exposed beams running across at the point the slanted roof met the wall and a ceiling fan lazily rotating above the light fitting. The girls had taken the television from the living room and set it up on the dresser with a games console connected to it - one from one of the girls' childhood, judging by the sparkly stickers covering it. "This looks wonderful," he smiled, wandering a little into the room and looking at the view of the trees. The room already looked like home with the girls' stuff unpacked, and judging by the covers, someone had already taken a nap in one of the beds. He stepped back to Gwen in the doorway. "Do you think the others would notice if we... took some time alone?" he grinned. The dragoness blushed a little and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the muzzle. "Later!" she smiled back, and beckoned him out of the room again. "The big bathroom's in there, that's the one with the shower," she said as she pointed to the door at right-angles to the other two. "And this one's going to be our spare room, if anyone wants some privacy..." She opened the door opposite them and Susi walked in behind her - this was a slightly smaller room, decorated in much the same way as the other one but with the floor clear and the bed immaculately made. In the corner, the girls' empty suitcases were stacked in a pile. He watched as Gwen crossed the room to the door leading outside on the opposite wall, and she unlocked and opened it. "Come and have a look at the view," she encouraged, and Susi eagerly stepped outside behind her. He stood next to Gwen leaning on the railing and took in the scene in front of him - the back of the porch was on the edge of a hill that gently rolled down away from the cabin, with the path from the steps next to them quickly disappearing among the trees. Tilting his head back, Susi inhaled, smiling at the pine scent coming on the breeze from the conifers, and watched the birds flit among the treetops against the clear blue sky. Further into the distance, the rest of the mountains rose up on the horizon, a couple of clouds wrapped around the tallest peaks. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Gwen said, shuffling a little closer to him. "Incredible," he nodded, putting his arm around her shoulder and cuddling her close as they stared peacefully out at the view. "Why don't Isla's parents just live here all the time?" "Heh... I think there's usually someone here, they rent it out," Gwen replied. "But they had a group that cancelled, so we got it for the week!" "They even trust you with that thing?" Susi nodded towards the large covered grill against the edge of the porch to their right, positioned just outside the sliding door that led in to the kitchen area. "I don't think we've brought anything to cook on it!" she answered, heading in the opposite direction, to where the porch led around the other side of the house. "If there's a store in a few miles I could work wonders on that..." Susi said, still looking over his shoulder at it, but turned as he almost bumped into Gwen, who was standing next to a square enclosure formed by bamboo poles fastened to a wider area at the corner of the deck. "We've got another shower out here if you want to clean yourself outside," she said, stepping around to the small gap in the bamboo stalks that served as an entrance. "It's great if you've got muddy after coming in from the woods..." "Oh - so are we planning on doing that a lot?" Susi laughed as he peeked around the entrance of the enclosure. Inside, a bench ran around the walls in a U shape, with a set of showerheads dotted above them. "Looks like there's plenty of room for two in here, if we wanted..." He caught Gwen's eye, and the dragoness smiled back at him before moving on around the porch. "Or even four or five..." he continued as he took a couple of jogging steps to catch up with her. "Yeah, keep dreaming," she laughed, and stopped, standing on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the muzzle. After a quick peck on the lips, she smiled, and the two of them shared a deeper kiss, Susi turning Gwen around to hug her closely as he listened to the birdsong in the otherwise silent environment. "This week's going to be amazing..." he murmured into her ear as he moved his head around to kiss her on the neck. "It really is..." she replied. "No stresses - just being around people we all love..." They held their embrace in silence for a few moments, rocking a little back and forth, before Gwen slowly pulled her arms away. "We should get back to the others!" she said, as if she had just remembered something. "It's not just me who's really been wanting to see you," she added, tugging on his arm. "Heh, all right..." Susi walked behind the eager pink dragoness as she took him the rest of the way around the porch back to the still open front door, and stepped into the entranceway before motioning for him to go down the corridor first. He stepped inside, moved to the right and stopped as he saw the scene in front of him. The girls had moved the table so it was opposite the room's entrance, and lined up three paper plates piled high with food-dyed foam on top of it. Ianthe, Isla and Cindy were standing behind the table in a row, grins on their faces as they waited for him to react. "Oh, wow, a reception!" he laughed, staring down at the table for a moment and then looking back and forth along the three of them. "Do I get to decide which color goes with who?" "Not exactly," Isla answered. "More like getting to decide which color you're wearing first!" She picked up the yellow foam pie in front of her and held it up with her fingertips, motioning for the others to do the same. "Right..." Susi grinned and rubbed at the nape of his neck - no visit with Isla or Gwen was ever going to have involved staying completely clean, but they had definitely sprung this on him early. "There's just one more thing before it happens," Isla continued. "Go, Gwen!" Susi yelped as a piece of cloth was draped across his vision, and closed his eyes as Gwen tied the blindfold tightly around the back of his head. His ears perked in the sudden darkness, and he tilted his head, listening to the girls trying to stay quiet as they moved around and preparing for a pie in the muzzle at any second. But after about a minute of rustling and movement, they fell quiet. "Okay, close your eyes and count to ten while I take this off," Gwen's voice came, and he obeyed, feeling the fabric tie being lifted from his head. He exhaled to prepare himself, counting silently, then opened his eyes again. The girls' clothes were discarded on the floor or draped over the back and arms of the sofa, leaving them in just the swimwear that they had been wearing underneath. Gwen was in the bikini that she'd got as a souvenir on Industrial Zone, Cindy and Ianthe were wearing one-piece swimsuits - but his gaze couldn't help but be drawn to Isla, who was wearing what looked like black string with the scantest possible triangles of fabric covering her nipples and curving down between her legs. "Now it's your turn," Gwen's voice came from his side as she tapped him on the shoulder. He gasped and rearranged his gaping face as he turned to her, then looked down at his own clothing. "Right... yeah..." he said, in a daze as the pink dragoness grabbed the bottom of his T-shirt. He raised his arms as she got up on her tiptoes to pull it off him, then brought them down to the buckle of his shorts, fumbling with it as he glanced around at the watching reptilians. He stooped down, embarrassed at the obviousness of the tent in his underwear, and kicked them off, leaving him in just his tight white briefs. "So who do you want a pieing from first?" Gwen asked, holding her hand out toward the three girls as she turned Susi around. His gaze flitted between the three of them, sharing Ianthe's blush as he stood near-naked in the middle of the room. "Uh..." he started. "If he's not going to decide, I'm going to do it!" Isla decided, marching out from behind the table with the heaped yellow pie in her hands. She squared up in front of Susi, looking him in the eye. "Kneel down," she commanded, pointing to the floor. Susi stepped back and obeyed, smiling as his face became level with the tiny triangle of black fabric between Isla's legs. Keeping his head level, he looked up at the large pie she was holding as she slowly wound her arm back. She paused with a smile, tilting the plate of colored foam almost vertical before lunging forward and planting it right on his muzzle. "Mmf...!" Susi spluttered and laughed as he felt the foam splatter over his face, blobs of it dripping off to splat on to his shoulders. The lizardess rubbed the plate around his face, and he tilted his head up and then to the side to get his muzzle out of the cloud of foam, exhaling sharply through his nose. Isla let go of the plate, leaving it stuck to his face, and he lifted both hands up to peel it away. He looked up at the giggling girls, yellow clumps of foam dripping across his vision. "So who wants to take a shot at me next?" he asked, spitting the bright shaving cream off his lips as he got to his feet. "Not so fast!" the blue lizardess interrupted. "We've got a game to play first, and you're the contestant... what's it say on the plate?" Susi raised an eyebrow and looked down at the paper plate in his hands, seeing some traces of black marker pen visible through the smear of yellow foam. He wiped it aside with his palm and held it up. "'Gunging roulette'," he read out, his eyebrows raised. "What are we..." "You heard him!" Isla grinned, turning to watch as Cindy turned and picked her laptop up off the arm of the couch. "Gwen, have you got his car keys?" "Yep!" she exclaimed, holding them up with one finger as she dropped his discarded shorts back on the floor. "Su, you brought the tank, right?" "Er... yeah..." he said, dazedly picking blobs of foam off his head. "Be right back!" she called, dashing out the front door. As he turned, stuttering, Isla approached him and took him by the wrist, a smirk on her face as she watched his obvious confusion. "Okay, Susi, today you're the contestant in three games versus the CDGs - ready to start round one?" "Er, what's a CDG?" he asked. "Curvy dragon girls. It's a thing we came up with," Isla said as she turned him around to face the corridor he'd come in by. "But you're not..." "Shh!" she interrupted. "We're heading to the shower." His ears perked at her announcement, and she headed down the corridor away from the living room as she tightened her grip on his wrist, leaving him stumbling to keep up. Susi's heart thumped as they approached the door between the bedrooms, and looked over Isla's shoulder to see in as she opened it. They were walking into a cream-colored suite in a spacious bathroom, with a large frosted window on the back wall letting light in. A mirror ran along the left wall above a counter with two sinks, making the room seem even bigger than it was. Opposite the counter stood a shower cubicle about six feet tall, underneath a pipe that pointed down from the ceiling - the rain showerhead had been removed and placed in one of the sinks, and a couple of planks of wood had been laid across the top of the cubicle. Cindy and Ianthe followed them into the room, the white dragoness putting her laptop on the counter. As she opened it up, he noticed a device he recognized beside it - a little circuit board was plugged into the socket on the wall, LED lights slowly blinking on its surface. "Hey, is that..." he started. "It is!" Isla grinned. "Dave sent it on to us early. I mean David," she corrected herself as Ianthe opened her mouth to speak. "Got it!" he heard Gwen's voice from behind them, and he turned to see her approaching with the device that he'd brought in the trunk of his car - it had started life as a large white mixing bucket, but had had a tapered length of pipe added on its underside with a small motor connected to a valve where the pipe began. "Okay, let's see..." Isla stooped down and reached under the counter, and Susi crouched to see a few buckets that had been stashed there. She grabbed the two nearest her, dragging them out into the room - both were filled with opaque, paint-like slime, which sloshed lazily as the buckets were moved. "What do we think - would purple and green look good on him?" "Yeah!" Gwen enthused, and grabbed the green bucket as Isla took the purple one. As Ianthe steadied the tank, they carefully poured the slime into the container, on either side of the divider running down the middle. It was full almost to the brim by the time the buckets had been shaken out, and Gwen carefully picked it up, heading towards the shower as Cindy opened it for her. Susi couldn't help but laugh nervously as the dragoness stepped into the shower cubicle, kneeling on the chair inside and pushing the tank up between the supports. Ianthe stepped forward and stretched up to slide the planks into place beneath it, and Gwen lifted her hands away carefully to leave the container resting on the supports above it with the white pipe pointed down into the cubicle. "Looks like we have our gunge machine," the blue lizardess smiled as Gwen stepped out of the shower, closing the bathroom door and reaching across to grab the two cables coiled up near the circuit board. "Nobody's getting out even if they wanted to," she said over her shoulder as she unrolled the cables, stretching them over the doorway and plugging them into a pair of sockets next to the container's valve. "So how do you want to do this?" Cindy asked, still stooped over her laptop. Susi leaned over her shoulder to see her calling up a game on the screen - ten circled numbers from one to ten were laid out in two rows on a green background that had been taken from the Industrial Zone site. "I think just one of us taking turns with Su," Isla said. "Ianthe, pick a number, one to four!" She spun around to the yellow lizardess who hadn't spoken for a while, who gave a start. "Um... three?" she guessed. "Okay, it's you!" Isla put her arm around Ianthe and encouraged her to walk forward as she squeaked and looked at her toes. "Hey, how do we know that was fair?" Cindy asked, straightening up from the computer. "I went in order of our names - Cindy, Gwen, Ianthe, Isla," the blue lizardess said as she counted off on her fingers. "Now get your ass in the gunge tank!" Ianthe giggled through a whimper as she stepped into the shower, ducking to avoid the pipe as she sat down on the chair inside. Her embarrassed smile grew wider as the clear door was shut in front of her. "I'm doing you a favor here - if you go in first you've got the best chance of coming out clean!" the blue lizardess continued as she crouched down, her hands on her knees as she looked into the shower at Ianthe, who didn't seem convinced. "Does it feel like being on Friday Night Party again?" Gwen grinned over Isla's shoulder. "Ohh...!" Ianthe smiled anxiously and cupped her hands over her mouth, her eyes going up to stare at the white pipe looming over her head. "Come on, there's only one way out of there - pick a number!" Cindy encouraged, her hand hovering over the keyboard. "Umm..." Ianthe squeaked as her eyes flitted across the numbers on the screen. "Two," she decided, shaking her head. "Okay, start the countdown!" Isla pointed over at Cindy, who hit the key. The figure 2 on the screen began to pulse as a ticking noise started up from the circuit board, and the girls all took a step back as they watched Ianthe drumming her feet on the floor of the shower. Everyone held their breath as the ticking stopped, giving way to a moment of silence that seemed to last for minutes before a bell sound came from Cindy's laptop and the 2 figure faded out. Ianthe exhaled and quickly got up, laughing as she pushed the door of the shower open. Susi was already moving towards it as Isla patted him on the back, and Ianthe bowed and gestured exaggeratedly as she held the door open for him. He smiled as he turned around to sit down, facing the array of numbers on the screen. "I'll do this one!" the sand-yellow lizardess called as she approached the keyboard. "Which one do you want?" Susi looked at the numbers, his heart thumping in his chest as he thought about what one of them was going to do to him. "Seven," he said carefully, grasping his knees with his hands but trying not to show his nerves to the girls. "Okay, lucky number seven!" Ianthe repeated enthusiastically as she jabbed her finger on the button, and the same countdown noise clicked out as they waited tensely for the result, the yellow lizardess bouncing on her feet. Susi drummed his hands on his knees and took a breath as the clicking noise stopped, letting it out with a mixture of relief and disappointment as the bell sound played again. Ianthe squealed, her hands clasped over her face again. "You're going back in, Ianthe!" Isla announced with a grin, opening the shower as Susi stepped out. He smiled at her as she padded back into the cubicle, tugging her tail out of the way as she sat down and keeping it in her hands as she nervously looked over at the screen. "Come on, what's your number?" the blue lizardess asked. "One in eight of these is going to gunge you..." "Nngh..." Ianthe giggled as she decided. "Nine," she pointed, then quickly returned her hand to her tail. "Want to trigger this one, Susi?" Isla asked, pointing at the keyboard. "Sure," he smiled, and stepped over to hit the 9 key. "Good luck," he grinned at Ianthe as the countdown started and the lizardess closed her eyes. Ianthe screwed up her face a little more as the ticking noise continued, mouthing something to herself that turned into a continued squeak, rising in pitch as the pause at the end of the countdown came. But she yelped in delight as the bell noise played again, and hurriedly pushed the door open, joining the girls outside. "Susi's turn again!" Gwen called gleefully, clasping Ianthe's shoulders as she turned around to face the shower cubicle, watching as Susi shut the door in front of himself. "What's your number?" He rubbed his chin as he sat down on the plastic chair, then tapped his finger against his lips as he looked at the screen, facing the impossible decision. "Three," he said before he had had a chance to think, and he budged himself back in the seat, hanging on to its arms as Gwen eagerly leaned over to start the countdown. As the clicking noise continued, he looked up into the nozzle on the white container above him, a length of slightly tapered plastic pipe that was held on by four screws and the black slide valve visible inside it. He kept his face tilted up at it, smiling with a firmly closed mouth and shutting his eyes as the countdown stopped. The familiar bell sound rang out again, and he put his hands on his knees, levering himself up and then bumping the shower door open as he heard the girls all breathe a sigh of relief from the tension - except the sandy yellow lizardess at the front of the group. "Your turn," he pointed at her, and laughed as she grasped his finger, pushing his hand down to his side as she passed him. With a look up at the tank poised above the shower, she stepped in once more and planted herself on the seat. "Try your luck again, Ianthe!" Gwen said, staying beside the computer with a huge grin fixed on her face. "What's it going to be?" The lizardess wriggled, her shoulders shaking in a helpless laugh. "I don't know! This is awful!" "In the best possible way," Cindy nodded with a grin. "Come on, you've still got six numbers left!" "Aaah... ten!" Ianthe pointed, bouncing in the seat as the pink dragoness hit the laptop's 0 key. Gwen shuffled a little closer to Susi and took him by the hand as they all watched the number pulse on the screen, Ianthe squirming in her seat and laughing helplessly as she waited for her fate to be revealed. She tensed up, her hands balled into fists through the moment of silence, and then screamed as the bell sound played for the fifth time. She got up and pushed the door open, spreading her arms and hugging Susi with a smile as he approarched to take her place. "I think Ianthe's getting stressed out," Isla smirked as the lizardess rejoined the group of reptilian girls, then looked over at the screen as Susi padded back into the cubicle. "But we're getting serious now - our wolf gets gunged if he picks the wrong one out of these five numbers! Make your choice - one, four, five, six or eight!" "Umm..." Susi hesitated, beginning to feel some nerves himself as he stared at the remaining highlighted numbers on the screen, knowing the chance of getting covered in gunge was getting higher. "Let's have six!" Gwen smiled at him and waved with one hand as she hit the key with the other, and the ominous ticking noise sounded from the circuit board on the counter again as the figure 6 began to pulse. Gwen began counting down under her breath, then out loud as the fifth click passed, and the entire group of girls joined in shouting the countdown as it approached the end. A tense buzz filled the air as there was a longer than usual pause, followed by a groan of disappointment as the bell sound signalled Susi's escape again. Ianthe looked around at the other girls with an embarrassed smile, then glanced towards the gunge tank as Susi held the door open for her. "Want me to go in, Ianthe?" Gwen asked with a smile. "No! No, I'm going to do this," she replied determinedly, already heading towards the cubicle. The group watched as she seated herself beneath the nozzle once more, with Cindy hiding behind Isla slightly as Gwen hovered her hand over the keyboard. "Four more to go, Ianthe!" she said as she nudged the door closed over the yellow lizardess. "That means you've only got a quarter of a chance of getting the gunge - pick a number!" Ianthe sucked air in through her teeth as she made her decision. "One!" she called, and did her best to keep her face straight, only a little flinch visible as Gwen hit the key to start the countdown. Susi joined in with the girls, counting down the numbers with a smile as Ianthe sat stoically with her hands on her knees, but a giggle escaped her lips at the five second mark. She hunched her shoulders, bowing her head down and grasping her head with her hands as the others counted down the last three seconds, and she visibly took a breath as they all tensely waited for the bell sound. A harsh buzzer rang from the laptop speakers, and the group barely had time to react before there was another click from the board, the whine of the motor on the bucket pulling the valve open, and two thick streams of purple and green gunge spewed down from the nozzle and glooped out over Ianthe's head. The group whooped and cheered as the lizardess disappeared behind the dome of slime, a sound clip of the signature Industrial Zone gunge alarm blaring through the room with a high pitched laughing scream cutting over it as the shower walls were coated in arcs of the ooze billowing out from Ianthe's head. As the first splatter of slime settled into a steady pour coming from the nozzle, she looked up and leaned her head forward out of the flow, looking out of the cubicle at the others with wide eyes as the slippery ooze crept down her face. Ianthe squeaked again as the gunge began to run out, the dual streams pouring on to her head slithering off on to her shoulders and painting them in purple and green. She bowed her head down as the gunge slumped over her face, shaking her head and spreading her arms as she looked down at the fingers of slime dripping down her chest and into her lap. She looked up at the others again, an embarrassed smile on her face and holding her hands in claw shapes in front of her as the ooze dripped in strings from her fingers. Susi applauded with the rest of the girls as Isla squeezed around the group to open the shower door, revealing the gunged lizardess fully to the others, a dripping mess of purple and green. She began to get up, strands of clinging slime dripping from all over her as she leaned awkwardly back to brace herself on the seat. "You lose, Ianthe!" Isla grinned, and Susi smirked at how obviously she was loving her position as host. "Want to give us a twirl?" The slimy lizardess sighed and turned slowly around in the shower, a whoop coming from Gwen as she saw the thick fingers of slime crawling down Ianthe's back. The colors were mingling together as they slipped down her skin, forming an unpleasant murky brownish turquoise. "So Susi wins round one - we're going to go and start our next game, and let you get cleaned up..." Isla said as she reached past Ianthe to twist the dial on the shower wall, then quickly withdrew her hand as the pipe on the ceiling spluttered. Ianthe shrieked as it poured cold gungy water down through the bucket above her, hunching up but gradually relaxing again as it warmed up and began to clear. "Don't take too long in there!" she called as she closed the door to the shower and pulled the cables out of the tank above, throwing them on to the sink as she opened the bathroom door. Susi grinned into the shower at Ianthe and then followed the blue lizardess out of the room, unable to help himself glancing down at her virtually bare bottom swaying as she led the group back to the living room. "Okay!" she said brightly, stretching her arms and bouncing on her toes as she stood in front of the table. "You've got two pies left, Susi - which one's it going to be?" Susi looked at the two foam-filled plates on the table, and picked up the blue one on the left. "Okay, this time it's all yours," the lizardess said, stepping back. Susi smiled down at the pie in his hands, moving it back and forth a bit and watching the folds of foam jiggling with its movement. He turned as Gwen peeked over his shoulder to look, and with a naughty grin, swiftly moved his arm around and mashed it into her tummy. The pink dragoness squeaked and stumbled back as blobs of blue foam fountained out in front of her, the pie plate stuck to her bare tummy with a perfect splatter mark splashed up to her bikini top and bottoms. Giggling as she recovered from the surprise, she peeled the plate away with her thumbs and forefingers, handing it back to Susi. "We've got two games set up outdoors," Isla said as he scraped the last of the foam away, squeezing his hand and watching the stuff ooze out between his fingers. "Which one's going to be our Round Two?" "Uh... 'Splat Quiz'", he read out through a growing smile. "You heard him!" Isla called, and turned to pick up the last of the pies on the table. "Gwen, you take the cards - Cindy, grab him!" Susi barked as two white arms snaked around his tummy in a hug, and didn't resist as he was walked forwards toward the outside door next to the kitchen area. Isla held the door open as the pair of them stepped awkwardly down on to the porch, and he blinked in the sunlight as Cindy switched to just holding his hand as they made their way down the steps to the path. As the dragoness tugged on his arm, Susi walked around to the side of the cabin with no porch - here, a patch of flat grass stretched from the side of the house to the trees. In the middle of the lawn, a six foot square tarpaulin had been weighed to the ground with bottles of water, and another tarpaulin had been tacked to the cabin wall with a blowup pool chair standing in front of it. He stopped in his tracks as his eyes moved to the cluster of buckets tucked next to the chair - at least twenty of them, each filled with brightly colored gunge. "Come on, you know where you're going!" Isla called as she pointed to the chair, and walked around the dragon and wolf to push him forward. "Cindy, you too!" "Oh, what?!" the white dragoness gasped as Isla caught her arm, guiding her to sit down as Susi fell backwards into the seat. He shuffled over, letting the curvy dragon squeeze in tightly next to him on the oversized chair. He smiled as her tail draped around his lower back, and swung his arm up to put it around her. "Yep - let's do this in pairs!" the blue lizardess said, looking to the side as Ianthe walked towards them from the front door in her gunge-stained swimsuit, carrying the bucket they hadn't used from the bathroom in one hand with her other arm out for balance. "I think Ianthe should be our quizmaster, 'cause she got gunged last time..." "Yeah, me too!" Ianthe agreed, reaching out to accept the cards from Gwen. As Susi watched her shuffling through them, he realized they had been the cards out on the table when he had first arrived - the backs of them showed that they were from some quiz board game. "I picked out some really hard ones..." the pink dragoness grinned as she walked forwards, picking up two of the buckets next to them by the handles. Susi watched, cuddling the giggling Cindy closely as he watched Gwen and Isla line up eight buckets a few feet away from where they were seated. "Okay, I think our bucket crew are nearly ready!" Ianthe called. "Susi and Cindy, you're taking the Splat Quiz - you're going to start with a score of one dollar, and for each question you get right, we're going to double your money..." "Wow, that's going to get expensive for you," Susi grinned. "Completely fictional money!" Ianthe corrected herself. "You can stop at any time between questions, but once you've been given a question, one of the two of you has got to answer it..." "Don't we get any lifelines?" Susi called. "No," she shook her head. "It's just you versus the questions!" She paused, trying to remember where she had been in her spiel. "You can keep on doubling your prize as long as you can - but the instant you get one wrong, Gwen and Isla are going to splat you both..." "What if we don't get any wrong?" Susi interrupted her again. "Then Gwen and Isla give you a blow job," Ianthe shot back impatiently, then her eyes widened and her hand went to her mouth as she realized what she'd said. "Ianthe!" Gwen turned, her hands on her hips as she turned towards the reddenning lizardess, the others hooting with laughter. Gwen burst into giggles herself as she saw her face. "I... I'm sorry! I got kind of..." she stammered through the fingers across her mouth, giggling helplessly. Susi forced himself to laugh as well, but shifted in the seat in an attempt to adjust the crush in his underwear at the thought. She broke eye contact with them by looking at the deck of cards in her hands, still grinning as she shuffled through them. "Okay!" she cut through the remaining giggles. "Here's an easy one - to get to two dollars, who was..." Susi cuddled his arm around the white dragoness beside him a little tighter as they answered the questions together, a couple of lucky guesses getting them through the early ones. It wasn't long before Ianthe started shuffling through the cards looking for harder questions. "Okay! Your 128-dollar question is..." she held on to the word as she straightened the top card in front of her, and Susi grinned as his heart thumped in anticipation. "What are the initials of the four bases that make up DNA?" She smiled as the wolf and dragon in the seat turned to each other. "I've no idea," Susi whispered, shaking his head. "I think I know - there are four letters that make up the code?" Cindy asked. "I think there's A, G..." "Oh... yeah," Susi said back vaguely, flipping through the alphabet in his mind and hoping that at least some letters would seem likely. "C, was that one...?" "Yeah, I think so..." the white dragoness nodded, stroking her hand down her hair and staring distractedly at the row of buckets on the ground in front of them. "And... T?" "Don't know. Go for it!" Susi encouraged her. "I'm going to have to hurry you...!" Ianthe called out gleefully. "The bucket crew's getting restless..." The two of them looked out at Gwen and Isla as the dragoness began making a rhythmic ticking noise with her tongue. "A, C, G and T!" Cindy called out above the sound, then cringed back as Isla and Gwen turned to Ianthe. Susi smiled and gripped the dragoness a little tighter as Ianthe dragged the moment out. "She's... correct!" she said finally, and Cindy raised her fists in the air, whooping through a sigh of relief. "Our contestants are on 128 dollars - you can walk away or go for the next one for 256! What's it going to be?" Ianthe asked. "We're done," Cindy responded quickly. "They're going for the next one!" Ianthe continued, making Cindy squeak and huddle back into the chair as the others laughed. Susi nuzzled against her, perking his other ear as the lizardess read the next question. "How many points is the highest-valued ball worth on a snooker table?" "Aagh..." Cindy said under her breath. "What do you think - ten?" "No, it's too weird a game to have a score like that..." Susi thought out loud as he leaned back. "How many different balls are there?" "I don't even know...!" the dragoness shook her head, whimpering nervously through her smile. "Nine - how does that sound?" "I think I heard that somewhere before... yeah, go on," he nodded. "No, I don't want to gunge myself - you say it!" she encouraged him with a nudge. "Okay," he nodded. "Nine!" he called out to Ianthe. This time, the lizard's reaction was immediate. "They're wrong!" she cackled, pointing at them. "Splat 'em!" Susi's heart jumped as Gwen and Isla stooped down to grab a bucket each, and the white dragoness next to him curled up closer with a squeak, hiding her face in the fur on his shoulder. He drummed his heels on the ground as Gwen stood again and swung the bucket in her hands back, a drizzle of green gunge falling out at the peak of the upswing, then involuntarily raised his hand from the arm of the seat as the ribbon of slime flew towards them. He closed his eyes as the wave of gunge broke over his hand and then smacked into his face and chest, lukewarm from the sun's heat. He twitched, unable to prevent a smile as the thick slime crawled down him, feeling it dripping down through his fur. He squeezed his arm around Cindy again, then barked as another wave smacked into him, splattering across his tummy. He blinked his eyes open, thick drips of green slithering down across his vision as the reptilians in front of him ducked to pick up a second round of buckets. Glancing down at his lap, he smiled as he saw his green-stained fur decorated with a stripe of yellow across it, Cindy wriggling beside him as she brushed the bright gunge off her leg. She looked up and yelped as Gwen came closer, swinging the bucket towards her, and quickly closed her mouth and put a hand across her eyes just as a ribbon of pink gunge splashed wetly across her. Susi grinned and pumped his fist in the air, sitting up straight as Isla came in again. He kept his eyes open as another slimy wave was thrown towards him, this time a deep shade of blue, but ducked away instinctively as it smacked fully into his face. He felt his ears flatten under the weight of the slime and pricked them up, hearing the glutinous liquid pattering on to the back of the seat behind them as it dripped slowly off the tarpaulin backdrop. He slithered his arm further around the yelping, giggling dragoness and drew her closer as the barrage continued, each wave of gloop making Cindy squeak again and shudder in his grasp. Eventually, the onslaught stopped, and he slowly picked his other arm off the plastic surface of the seat, feeling a wave of slime slithering heavily around it and dripping down into his lap as he wiped at his eyes. He blinked them open again and shook his head, spatters of gunge shooting out from his head as he watched the three other reptilians doubled up with laughter. He looked at Cindy and nearly burst out in a laugh himself as he saw her white skin completely plastered with criss-crossing streams of colorful gunge, the ooze mixing together in dripping patterns as it slithered down her. Slowly, she opened her eyes and spread her arms, giving a squeak with her shoulders shaking in a laugh as she saw the state of herself. Susi nearly slipped backwards as she turned and wrapped her arms around him in a slimy hug, her hands slipping over his back and smearing the slime over his remaining clean fur. He smiled and hugged her back, trying to avoid her detecting the tent in his underwear as he ran his hands over her slippery skin. As they slipped off each other, Susi smiled through a grimace and budged himself forward, becoming aware of the collected slime soaking into the seat of his underwear. He picked it away from his rear as he got up, offering his other hand to Cindy. He grinned as the color-splattered dragoness took his arm and struggled to her feet, using her other hand to keep her dripping hair out of her face and spitting gunge off her muzzle as she straightened up. The other girls whooped as the pair of them stepped forwards, Susi raising their joined hands in the air. Ianthe hooted with laughter as she pointed back at the seat, and he turned around, smiling at the scene in front of him. The tarpaulin was splashed with a violent rainbow of colors and two vaguely head-shaped gaps just above the back of the similarly painted seat. "You're the stars of a new kind of modern art!" Ianthe continued to laugh, wiping a tear from her eye as she shook her head. "Okay, swap around!" she said, indicating by swinging her arm in a circle. "Isla and Gwen, it's your turn in the hot seat now..." "All right!" the blue lizardess grinned, and stepped forward with Gwen as the gunge-covered previous contestants scampered for the buckets, taking most of the remaining full ones and lining them up. Isla tipped the seat forward, watching a curtain of mixed gunge pouring off it into the grass, then set it down again and put her arm around Gwen as the two of them squeezed into the seat together. As Cindy and Susi met eyes with them, Ianthe called out again. "Okay, Isla and Gwen - you know how it works! If you get one wrong, it's gunge time - if you get up above a thousand... same prize as I said before from our bucket crew," she smirked. "Hmm..." Isla nodded and gave a sly smile. "Can we get the gunge and the prize?" Gwen asked. "In which order?" Susi smiled back, then shuddered at the dragoness's sweet giggle. "If our bucket crew have finished flirting with the contestants...!" Ianthe called, and Susi smirked and stayed quiet. Cindy straightened up, wringing the gunge out of her hair and then slipping her hands down her slimy arms as the first question was read. "What game are you doing well in if you score a birdie, eagle or..." "Golf," Isla called out, and Ianthe nodded. "Absolutely right - you earn a dollar! What was..." Susi looked from Ianthe to the pair of lizardesses in the chair and back as they quickly answered the first few questions, already imagining the view and their reactions as they were painted with the bright green slime in the bucket in front of him. After only a couple more correct answers, Ianthe was flipping through the cards again searching for the harder ones. "Oh - how many toes do wolves have?" she pointed towards Susi, who shuffled to the side a little, making sure his feet were hidden behind one of the buckets. "Uh..." Isla looked down at her own three-toed feet as Gwen tried to crane her neck up to see. "Come on, Gwen, you must've noticed at some time...!" Susi smiled and glanced to his feet, flexing his toes, as the girls looked at each other. After exchanging a couple of words, Gwen turned to Ianthe and spoke up. "Eight...?" she said through a nervous giggle. "No!" Ianthe called. "Show 'em your feet, Susi - he's got ten of them..." "Hey, but if he's got ten, that means he's got eight!" Isla said. "He's just got two more as well..." "Come on..." Ianthe started, but was interrupted by Cindy. "She's right," she said. "Go on, give them that!" "Are you serious?!" the sandy lizardess called back, open-mouthed. "Yeah!" Cindy said, grinning. "Come on, it's too early to slime them..." "Grrf..." Ianthe hesitated, then waved her hand, defeated. "Okay - you win this time! You're on 32 dollars." As Gwen and Isla shared a grin, the sandy lizardess flicked through the question cards, searching for a challenging one again. "Ah!" she exclaimed. "On a computer keyboard, what's the letter to the left of M?" She looked up expectantly. "In what country?" Isla called back with a grin. "This one!" Ianthe growled. "Okay - what's the letter to the left of M on Cindy's computer?!" Susi laughed at the lizardess's annoyance as Isla and Gwen leaned in close to whisper to each other. Gwen gestured in front of her as she hesitated, and his heart thumped as he realized they were having trouble with the answer. Eventually, Gwen gave a hesitant nod at something that Isla said, and turned to face forward. "B...!" she called, then eeped as a flicker of a smile crossed Ianthe's face. "Well, Gwen and Isla - you had 32 dollars..." the sandy lizardess started, then paused, lowering the question card and facing the pair of reptilians in the chair. Gwen was rocking back and forth in anticipation as Isla stroked her hand up and down her side. "Come on!" the blue lizardess exclaimed impatiently as Ianthe dragged the moment out. Eventually, she drew in her breath and called out again. "...and you're staying there, 'cause that's wrong! Gunge them!" she whooped, and Susi's thumping heart jumped as he stooped down almost automatically, grabbing the handle of the bucket nearest him. He straightened up at the same time Cindy did, and followed her lead as she scampered a little forward, swinging her bucket back to give it some momentum. As he took a couple of steps toward the chair as well he kept his eye on Gwen and Isla, watching the nervous anticipation in their expressions, with Gwen grinning and squirming up against Isla as he drew the bucket back. With a sideways glance at Cindy, the two of them jerked them forward together. He watched as a ribbon of deep green slime spewed forward towards Gwen as if in slow motion, the dragoness squeaking and screwing up her face as it approached. It landed over her face, the green-painted end of her muzzle showing through the smooth surface for a moment before the rest of it smacked against the wall and the back of the chair, thick droplets spewing out from the impact. A moment later, Isla flinched and turned her head as the huge lick of yellow gunge from Cindy's bucket splashed over her, leaving a thick bright stripe right up her middle and the side of her head. He stooped down and twisted around to pick up a second bucket from the pile, watching Gwen's face as she drew her hand across her face and opened her eyes, the gunge slithering off her face and dripping on to her chest. She squeaked as she saw him drawing back again, and hunched up with a grin, cuddling closer with Isla as the wave of white gunge splooshed over the two of them. Susi ducked to grab the handles of the two remaining buckets on his side and dashed forward with them as Cindy threw another wave of green slime that splattered into Isla's lap and against her barely covered chest. He smiled down at Gwen as she shook with laughter, the mingling colors of white and green gunge dripping slowly from all over her as she squirmed in the seat. She blinked her eyes open and yelped as she noticed where he was, then hunched her shoulders and gave a high pitched giggling whimper that made Susi shudder as he hoisted the third bucket above her head, waiting for Cindy to approach and do the same to Isla on the other side. With a nod, the two of them started pouring together, and domes of orange slime spewed out over both the reptilians' heads, making a heavy thick glooping noise as it splurged out and smacked on to their shoulders and laps. Susi twitched as Gwen shook her head, splashing some of the heavy goop out on to his tummy and legs, and whimpered at the crush in his underwear as he saw her shoulders shaking with laughter underneath the gungy downpour. As the bucket began to run out, the last few heavy dollops of slime slithered down its side and splatted heavily on to the dragon girl's head, and she tilted herself to the side to let them slide slowly off and down her cheek. Susi crouched awkwardly as the dragoness put her gunge-soaked arms out to the sides and shook them, her head bowed as orange slime dripped off her muzzle. Isla was equally covered on the other side of the seat, running a hand through the smooth helmet of gunge that coated her head before looking up and suddenly closing her eyes again as Cindy upended the last bucket of purple gunge on to her. He stood up with a glance down at his own last bucket to see it was full of deep green slime, and held it above Gwen's head, pouring more slowly and this time moving it lazily around in a circle so that it splashed on to her shoulders, into her lap and down her legs. The once-pink dragoness giggled helplessly under the dripping coating of paint-like slime as fingers of deep green oozed down her back and chest, cutting through the mess of color she had been splashed with. Cindy looked Susi in the eye as she shook her bucket up and down over Isla's head, the purple globs that had settled on the bottom of the bucket splatting down across her forehead and muzzle as she calmly sat with her eyes closed. The white dragoness finally put down the bucket and Isla reached her fingers up to wipe at her eyes, blinking them open and grinning slyly as she wriggled her arm further around Gwen again. She watched as Cindy picked up the orange bucket that hadn't quite been emptied, and ran her hand around the bottom of it before flicking it at them. "Okay - let's move on to round three!" Ianthe stepped forward as Susi put his last bucket down, grinning at the gunged and dripping reptilians in the seat as Cindy continued to scoop handfuls of slime on to them. She picked the green pie up from the handrail strut where Isla had left it, and turned to hand it to him as Gwen and Isla slithered out of the chair. "Go on, give yourself your best shot!" "For real, this time," Isla added, smiling as she clasped her hands together and dragged them over her gungy head. "Heh, you got it..." Susi looked down at the green-dyed mass of foam on the plate in his hands and brought it up to chest height. He took a breath, then upended it over his muzzle with a soft splatting noise. He heard the girls whooping as he raised his hands in the air, feeling thick foam creep down either side of his muzzle with the plate still stuck to his face on top of it. As he turned around slowly, letting them get a full view of him, it fell off, brushing against his chest before flopping to the ground. He brought his fingers to his eyes and wiped them as clean as he could, then turned around as he looked down to hunt for the plate. "So what are we playing, Su?" Gwen called, poising herself to help Isla lift the tarpaulin on the ground away as the blue lizardess went around the square, kicking the bottle weights aside. He straightened up with the plate and wiped his forehead, clearing the foam along with some of the gunge still on his face from the last game, then stared down at the words written on it. "Pie Twister!" he laughed, and looked over at Gwen and Isla as they lifted the sheet off the ground and threw it aside. Underneath, a rectangle of heaped foam pies sat on the grass, arranged in lines of red, blue, yellow and green. "How much shaving cream did you buy this weekend...?" he laughed as he approached the makeshift game board. "Oh, tons," Gwen answered. She leaned forward and picked a cardboard spinner out from between the array of pies. "I'm calling this one - get to your places, everyone!" Susi found himself staring down at two of the red pies at the edge of the board as the three other reptiles gathered around - Cindy by his side, and Isla and Ianthe across from them. "Okay, let's pair Cindy up with Ianthe this time," Gwen said, pointing as the called their names, "so Susi's with Isla - and their first move is..." Susi looked over his shoulder as she flicked the spinner with her finger, watching and waiting for it to stop. "Right foot on green!" she called. "No problem," Isla said as she dipped her foot into the foamy plate directly in front of her, the foam rising up and flopping out the sides. Susi stepped carefully forward between the rows and brought his own foot down on the pie a couple of spaces away from her, eeping under his breath as he felt the thick foam ooze up between his toes. As the foam slowly closed back into place over his foot, he looked around again to where Gwen was watching the spinner. "Cindy and Ianthe - left hand on yellow!" she called. "Oh, we have to get on our knees already...?" Cindy mumbled as she ducked down, stretching across to push her hand into one of the yellow pies. Diagonally across from her, Ianthe did the same, crawling carefully above the array of other pies to reach her place. "Hey, is there a penalty for that?" Isla called, pointing down to where Ianthe's foot was trailing in one of the green plates, a streak of foam spilling on to the grass. "No, getting yourself messier is fine!" Gwen grinned. "And your move is... left hand on red!" Susi pivoted around, sliding his foot in the green pie, and looked down at the circles all the way across the board from his foot with the yellowish lizardess on the ground between them. Carefully, he crouched down and stretched his hand underneath her, lunging and splatting his hand into the red circle of foam. He smiled at the cool gooey feeling, and twitched as Ianthe's hanging right breast brushed against his ear. "He's getting pretty close already!" Cindy laughed as Ianthe tried to shuffle herself over a little, but wobbled and settled back to where she'd been before, budging herself over more comfortably and smooshing her right breast into the side of Susi's head. "Cindy and Ianthe, right hand on blue!" Gwen called, and Susi felt the lizardess above him sigh. "That's not fair, he doesn't have these... massive boobs getting in the way..." she said out loud as she brought her arm up over the wolf, stretching over his back to plant her other hand in the blue pie next to him. Shakily, she straightened her legs to get into a better position, her body arched above his. "Susi and Isla, put your right hand on green!" the pink dragoness's voice came again, turning into a laugh as the wolf and lizardess looked back to the opposite side of the board. "You're joking, right?" Isla called back, waving her hand towards the distant pie. "Nope! Come on, let's see how flexible you are..." Susi stretched behind himself awkwardly, his fingertips just touching the green pie at the opposite edge of the board. He glanced up at Isla, distracted as she hopped around with her foot in the green pie opposite him, twisting the foam up and around her ankle, before spreading her arms and holding herself up with them, her left hand at one edge of the board and her right hand at the other. "Impressive!" Gwen whistled. "Just give 'em the next move!" Isla strained, and Gwen laughed as she hit the spinner again. Susi tried to ignore the throbbing from his folded left leg as the pointer began to stop. "Left foot on red!" she called. "What? I can't do that..." Ianthe whimpered, looking at the row of slightly smashed red foam pies in front of her. As Cindy snaked her leg through the arch of the sandy lizardess's arms, she brought her own leg around carefully, but wobbled and suddenly collapsed sideways with a squeak as the plates she had her hands in slid out from under her. "Ianthe's down!" Gwen called, dashing forward as the lizardess rolled herself over into a sitting position, a rainbow of colored shaving cream splattered over her skin. The pink dragoness grabbed one of the remaining full buckets and turned to hover it over Ianthe, who squeaked and hunched her shoulders with her hands over her face. "Ianthe, you've still got a lifeline - either you get the gunge now, or you get another chance... if you lose the swimsuit," Gwen cackled. "What?!" the lizardess looked up, shocked but with her shoulders shaking in laughter. "That wasn't in the plan...!" Susi twisted around in surprise as well, watching Ianthe as she thought it over. "Can you hurry it up?!" Isla called, beginning to turn her head but thought better of attempting it as she held her awkward position with her leg now stretched over Cindy. "Okay. Gunge," Ianthe said quickly, pointing at her head with both hands. She squeaked, cringing down again as Gwen wordlessly upended the bucket over her. Susi grinned as a payload of dark green slime splashed over the lizardess, who shrieked as the stuff fountained off her head for a moment, making a wet splurging noise as it slapped on to the grass around her. She shook as the stuff dripped off her muzzle in sheets that twisted into strings, and dragged her hands up and over her head as she blinked her eyes open. With a sheepish grin, she hoisted herself up and walked to the side to watch. "Okay, I guess all these are green now," Gwen said, waving her arm down at the deflated gunge-stained pies around where Ianthe had been sitting. "But your next move - for all of you - is..." She hit the spinner with her foot as she spoke, nudging it a couple more times to get it spinning. "Right hand on blue!" Susi looked along the row of remaining blue pies, none of which were in easy reach. As he looked back, he grinned as he caught sight of Isla's rear in front of him, covered only by a small triangle of black fabric diving down under her tail. With a trembling arm, he reached out to plant his hand gently on her bottom. "Hey!" the lizardess called, not turning around. "That had better not be who I think it is..." Cindy laughed and did the same thing as the lizardess dropped her head, trying to look upside down at them both between her legs. Seeing a blue pie underneath her, she slowly raised her right hand, but her other hand slipped out from under her as she moved and she collapsed sideways into the next row of pies with a splattering noise. "Oh...!" Susi laughed along with Cindy as Gwen called out, Isla rolling over and sitting up as she watched the dragoness approach with another bucket. "You going to allow that?" she asked back as she jerked her head towards Susi and Cindy. "Yeah! Besides, Su's on your team," Gwen grinned. "Come on, get 'em off... or would you prefer the gunge?" She held the bucket up, its slimy contents glooping slowly from one side to the other. "All right, whatever..." Isla stood up and reached an arm behind her back, shaking her head as she fiddled with the hooks of her swimsuit top. Susi watched mesmerized as it came loose and she shook it down her arms, the pieces of fabric peeling away from her gunge-stained skin and leaving her dark purple nipples exposed through triangular windows in the mess. She leaned over, her breasts swinging a little as she tugged her bottoms down and kicked them off her feet. "Okay!" she announced, spreading her arms, and Susi tried not to look like he was staring as she glanced between him and Cindy still entangled on the ground. "So what now, where do I start off?" "From where you were before would be great..." Susi said, a little louder than he'd intended, and he smiled as Isla moved over and swatted playfully at his nose. She ducked down facing him and put her hand in the smushed remains of a blue pie. "Right hand on blue, right?" she asked, then nodded. "Okay, give us a harder one!" "You asked for it!" Gwen said cheerfully as she put the bucket down and moved back to the spinner, poking it with her toe again. "Left hand on yellow!" Susi winced through a grin as he tested his weight on the arm he was using for balance, his feet sunk deep into separate foam pies in front of him. Carefully, he began to hoist himself up, shifting himself on to his right hand as he tried to curl himself around and touch the spilled yellow pie next to him with his fingers. He barked suddenly as Cindy suddenly pushed against him as she fell to the ground, and took out Isla's legs from under her as he landed face down, the foam from the pies underneath him squishing into his chest and thigh and then splattering closer still as the blue lizardess landed on top of him. "Hah, three down in a row!" Gwen approached with the bucket again as the lizard, dragon and wolf slithered over each other in an attempt to get upright, and emptied a torrent of orange gunge on to Isla as she got into a kneeling position. She yipped at the sudden cold splash and bowed her head as the gloop dripped off her, and Susi swallowed as he watched the slimy wave crawl down the voluptuous curve of her chest, dripping slowly from the tips of her nipples. "So, Susi and Cindy still have another chance left..." Gwen announced, dashing away from the widening pool of foam on the ground to pick up another bucket. "What do you think - strip or gunge?" "Um..." the white dragoness started as she sat cross-legged. She turned to share a glance with Susi, a blush visible on her cheeks as she bit her lip nervously. "I'll take the gunge..." "If you're sure!" Gwen called back, and hefted the bucket upwards without hesitation. Cindy eeped and hunched her shoulders as she poured the dark purple slime inside over her, giggling and squeaking as the dragoness moved the downpour in a slow circle, coating her head and shoulders and moving forwards to her lap. As the dragoness shook the last of the bucket out above her, she grinned through her slime-painted hair and raised her hands to part it, then slithered herself away from the splattered ground. "So that means it's all down to Su here!" Gwen said. "Susi, if you lose the underwear, than means you and Isla are the winners... or you can take the gunge and we'll call it a draw..." Susi grinned nervously, standing up but hunched over as his hands hovered near the band of his formerly white gunge-stained briefs. He glanced between the girls who were staring at his bulge, Gwen just a little more openly than the others. "Get them off!" he heard Isla call from behind him, and he barked as he felt her hand against his rear, grasping the band of his underwear. He hissed through his teeth as she tugged them downwards, exposing his backside, and hurriedly pushed the band forward to stop it tugging over his erect wolfhood. He stood straight, a thrill coming over him as he stood naked with Isla behind him tugging his briefs down the rest of the way with her foot. As she dropped them to the ground, he stepped out of them, blushing a little as the girls whooped and cheered. "All right! This wolf stud's our winner!" Gwen called above the noise. Susi pumped a hand in the air, giving a cheer himself as he looked down at his gungy, foam-matted fur, with only a few patches of his gray color showing through the mess. "So did he win every game?" Cindy asked. "Who cares?" Isla answered, making the others laugh. She clapped her hands and strode around Susi to the other side of the board. "But I know who needs to be pied, after that!" She stooped down to pick up one of the two intact pies from the undisturbed corner of the grid, and sped up as Gwen giggled and took a few steps back. "C'mere!" She lunged forward as Gwen moved to run, catching the front of her bikini top and making it stretch out as the dragoness retreated. Gwen yelped, pawing at her suddenly exposed breasts, as Isla shoved the pie into it and let it spring back, catapulting the plate of yellow foam into her chest where it splattered outwards, some of the foam squirting out and covering Gwen's chin. As she squeaked and brought her hand up to wipe it off, Isla spun around and grabbed another pie, this time yanking down Gwen's bottoms as she turned and smacking the mixed green foam and gunge on to her backside. "Waah!" Gwen yelped as specks of slimy foam sprayed out from underneath Isla's hand, the pie plate sticking to her bottom as she jumped away from the grinning lizardess. She looked down embarrassedly at the small black bikini bottoms tangled up around her knees. Susi saw Cindy and Ianthe approaching with pies in hand as well, and grinned as he fumbled around for a couple of plates with enough foam still in them. Struggling to get upright again in the puddle of rainbow foam that had been spilled, he crawled forward and got up to walk, just reaching Gwen in time to join the reptilians splatting the plates against her face, tummy, breasts - anywhere that still had a speck of pink skin left visible. The dragoness yelped and giggled under the barrage of foam and slime, feeling around in front of her to protect herself but giving up and shaking with laughter as the others smeared the stuff all over her. Isla dashed over to the cluster of buckets and picked one up, and hoisted it above Gwen's head just as she cleared her eyes of the foam. She shrieked as the grinning lizardess began tipping the blue slime into the front of her swimsuit top, and hunched her shoulders, closing her eyes again as Isla moved it forward to pour it over her head. "There!" Isla said triumphantly, lowering the bucket as the last of the gunge dripped from the edges, and she planted it on Gwen's smooth blue-painted head as the dragoness trembled in laughter. "I think that evens things up..." "Heh, yeah - what a finale..." Susi laughed, exhaling as he looked around at the splattered chair and tarpaulin against the side of the cabin and the brightly colored splashes on the lawn. "Thanks so much, everyone - this was amazing..." "Oh, it's not over yet!" Isla called from where she was picking up her discarded swimsuit. She looked around at the others, with Gwen tipping the front of the bucket up to reveal her smiling face, blue gunge dripping in long strings from her muzzle. "But before this next part, we're going to have to shower off a little..." She pointed, then started heading around the corner, her arms out to her sides with gunge dripping off them and leaving a trail of slime on the grass as she moved around to the far side of the house. Susi took Gwen's slippery hand and eagerly followed her, watching the lizardess step into the large outdoor shower they'd seen earlier and turn the water on with a hiss. "Heh, you said 'keep dreaming' earlier..." he grinned at Gwen as she discarded the bucket that Isla had put on her head. "Am I awake just now?" "Seems like it," she smiled back, and Susi felt his heart jump as she reached around to take off her top, exposing her large foam-splattered chest. She giggled sweetly as he slipped his arm around her back, taking hold of her heavy right breast and squeezing it gently before moving his arm back to her side. The two of them stepped into the criss-crossing sprays of water - Isla was already underneath one of the sprayers, turning around slowly as the water cut through the foam and slime on her skin. Susi closed his eyes as the water touched him and let it run through his gungy fur, almost certain that he was going to wake up in his own bed any second. He couldn't help grinning as he opened his eyes to find himself still in the shower with the two nude lizardesses washing themselves down beside him. In an attempt not to stare, he focused forward at the shower entrance, but barely prevented his jaw from dropping as Cindy shyly tiptoed into the wood enclosure, her swimsuit discarded. Susi's eyes flitted down for a fraction of a second, whimpering as he took in the white dragoness's voluptuous chest, the curve of her tummy and the wisp of blue hair trimmed into a line that led down between her legs. Smiling nervously, she stepped aside into one of the streams of water and revealed Ianthe just as nude behind her, who giggled and looked at the floor as she shuffled in with one hand cupped at her groin and the other clasped across both breasts. "Now, don't get yourselves too clean yet," Isla called above the hiss of the running water as Ianthe and Cindy turned themselves around underneath the showerheads, the gunge and pie foam on their skin sliding off and forming colorful ribbons on their way to the drain in the center of the floor. "How clean is too clean?" Cindy asked, scrubbing her hands through the hair hanging over her eyes as it slowly became blue again. "You know... no need to clean behind your ears or anything like that," Isla smiled. "Just remember where we're going afterwards!" Susi looked around as a couple of the girls shuddered, but stayed quiet, just concentrating on breathing steadily as he felt his heart pound in his chest, letting the water wash over him as he watched the soaked and slippery lizardesses around him. After just a couple of minutes, Isla leaned out of the water spray and spun the handle to turn off the water. As the others turned to watch her, the blue lizardess walked across to the gap in the enclosure. She clasped her hands and dragging them over her head to push the water to the floor, then spun round and leaned on the edge of the entrance. "Okay, girls and one boy! It's time to head to the spa - hey, put that down!" she stopped, pointing to the white dragoness as she stooped down to fumble her swimsuit back on. "What, you want us to go naked?" Cindy asked, shocked, as the blue lizard reached forward to take her clothing out of her hands. "Sure, why not?" Isla asked back over her shoulder, already heading down the steps on to the path as she tossed the swimwear aside. "No one'll see you, we're the only ones around for miles." She turned and put her hands on her hips, taking another couple of steps back and away from the cabin. Susi smiled and stared at the nude blue lizardess, completely comfortable with herself and her surroundings, and saw the others slowly beginning to nod and smile at each other as her confidence spread. Isla turned back around again and marched off, heading down the path toward the trees, some jogging a little to catch up with her. "Where are we going?" Susi thought to ask, still in a daze as his eyes flitted between the naked reptilian girls surrounding him. "Oh, we've got something really special lined up in here," grinned Isla, looking around at the others as they nodded in agreement. "But you're going to have to wait to find out..." He nodded and stayed silent despite his curiosity, looking to the side as Isla pointed towards a smaller path that led through the trees on their left, and she held a branch aside as the others stepped in. One by one they ducked into it past the overhanging leaves, beginning to walk in single file as the group made their way deeper into the forest. Susi looked up at the sunlight streaming through the leaves, forming patterns with little windows of light that seemed to slide across the reptilians' skin as they walked. Ianthe was leading the way followed by Cindy, and she was chattering and giggling to her over her shoulder as she went. Isla was walking casually behind them, her hands clasped behind her head as she breathed the forest air deeply. After they hopped over a set of stepping stones laid in a stream, Gwen hung back a little to clasp the wolf's hand in hers. He smiled at her touch, rubbing his thumb across the top of her hand and looking up and down her naked body as she walked beside him, turning to follow the others downstream. "How are you doing?" she asked. "Heh..." he started, making a show of looking around at their companions with a broad grin. "Yeah, this is definitely a good weekend so far..." "It's sounded like you've really been needing it, lately," she said, rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand. "We know you've wanted someone else to be in charge for a while..." "Oh, yeah," he nodded. "Nobody else has set up anything like this for me before! It's like... the complete game show experience. With added dragon beauties," he smiled at her. Gwen smirked. "Well, if you do well in this last game, you might even walk away with a prize!" "Hmm..." he smiled as his mind raced through what the girls might have planned. "What kind of prize...?" "Me," the dragoness grinned. Susi was about to respond when he realized that they were walking into a clearing where the others were gathering. He looked ahead with a start as he saw a roughly round patch of ground several feet across where the bare earth of the clearing gave way to a mass of thick black mud, moistened by the water from the stream. "Wow..." he gaped, poking a toe forward and dipping it into the smooth black stuff. After watching it slither from his toeclaw, he looked across the mud pit, where another tarpaulin was draped over something waist-high. "You've been preparing this, haven't you?" "Yep - we've been churning this up since we got here!" Ianthe called over her shoulder enthusiastically. She bent down to pick up the handle of some large gardening tool that was leaning against the pool's edge, making Susi shudder as he stared at her round bottom, then she straightened, dragging the rake in a slow figure of eight through the mud. He lined up with the girls on the edge of the mud pit, staring down at the glistening surface. He watched the smooth black stuff gloop heavily around as Ianthe stirred it, the surface rippling and buckling lazily. "How... deep does that go?", he asked, mesmerized. "Pretty deep!" Isla spoke up as she moved to the far end of the row, walking along behind them. "Gwen, why don't you show him?" She drew her hand back quickly and gave the pink dragoness a swat on her bare backside, pushing her forward into the pool. Susi gaped as the dragon girl fell with a squeak, her hand slipping out of his as she plunged into the dark mud. A ring of the gunk spread out in a ripple as she splashed in, reflecting against the side of the pool and coming back in as the dragoness paddled herself around to face the group with a grin. She had avoided going right under, her top half still bright pink and showing up starkly against the dark pool. A bulge appeared in the mud in front of her as she lifted her arms up, and after breaking through the surface she pumped her fists in the air, smooth black mud dripping in thick blobs from them as the stuff crept down her arms. Susi grinned and began to crouch down, looking at the other girls as he prepared to jump in himself. "Oh, no - you're not following her in yet," the lizardess said, moving over and pinching his left ear, lifting it to encourage him to stand back up. He grimaced at the tugging but stood up obediently, facing her as she narrowed her eyes with a smile and traced her hand down his face, then over his shoulder and down to his hip. She turned him around and began walking him towards the side of the pool. "You only go in there once you've earned it!" Susi winced as he watched the beautiful pink dragoness turn around as she bobbed in the pool, her breasts floating just on the surface with a ring of smooth black mud over her obviously hard nipples. As she saw him watching, she blew a kiss back to him, and her gaze followed him and Isla as she led him around the edge toward the tarpaulin. She let him go and stepped forward as they reached it, lifting the green material up and pushing it away into the brush at the side of the clearing. Susi leaned around her to see another cluster of buckets filled with bright slime like the ones the girls had prepared near the cabin, this time with an old and slightly broken-down office chair nestled among them. "Cindy, can you take bucket duty?" the lizardess called across the pool, and the white dragon agreed with a giggle. Susi looked between the two of them, his heart thumping in his ears as Isla wheeled the chair away from the buckets and lined it up to face the mud, a few feet from where the ground gave way to the quagmire. "Sit down," she ordered, hitting the grey surface of the seat with the back of her hand. Susi crept forward nervously and obeyed - the material was a striped uncomfortable fabric, ripped with the foam showing through a taped-up section at the back, and as he tried to put his hands on the chair's arms he realized it only had one of them. He faced forwards toward the great pool of mud, staring into Gwen's eyes as she waved at him enthusiastically with both hands. "So, you can see your prize," Isla said as she stepped forward to stand right behind Susi, grasping the back of the chair. He felt the fur on his neck stand on end as he realized what was brushing the back of his head, and he leaned back, a blissful smile spreading on his face as he nestled his head just below Isla's soft firm breasts. "Hey, don't get too comfortable there..." she continued as she looked down upside-down at him. "You're going to have to get three questions right to join this beauty in the mudbath!" He nodded as Cindy ferried a group of buckets over from the edge of the clearing, setting them down next to his chair. She handed Isla a stack of cards that had been tucked among them. "We're going to test how well you know us," the blue lizardess continued, walking slowly around to where Susi could see her, and his eyes roamed up and down her voluptuous blue figure even as he tried to keep looking at her face. "Each of these cards was written by of us - if you guess who it is, then you get closer to Gwen. If not... Cindy and Ianthe get their way with you," she grinned as Ianthe joined Cindy and they each picked up a bucket. "Heh... okay..." he nodded, glancing between the two other naked reptilians as they got into place on either side of him. He shuddered as he glanced down at the buckets of slime they were holding. "Fact one!" Isla called, and they all turned towards her as she read out the card. "The first time I saw slime was when a roadshow came to our school and gunged one of my teachers." "Hmm..." Susi tried to concentrate even as his eyes flicked between the smooth breasts surrounding him. "I know it wasn't Gwen..." He looked up at Cindy and Ianthe's faces as they both tried to keep them straight. "Ianthe...?" he shrugged. "You're not just guessing already?" Isla teased him. "Well, I don't... I mean, it's all I've got!" he said back. "Well... you're right!" she announced as she slapped the card with the back of her hand. "Push him closer, girls..." Susi twisted in the seat to look down as Cindy and Ianthe leaned down and pushed on the back of his chair, and he lifted his feet as it rolled awkwardly forwards over the uneven ground. "She says that after that, that teacher always used 'You're going to the gunge tank' as a threat, and she couldn't stop thinking about how awesome it would be if they really had one...!" Ianthe giggled and nodded as they got the chair halfway to the pit, then stopped and picked up their buckets again. "Fact two!" the blue lizardess continued as the others straightened up. "When growing up, I used to gunge myself with any bottle of gloopy stuff I could find in the bathroom..." "Gwen," he cut in. "Let me finish!" she answered, waving her hand. "I didn't know until years later that I'd been using a super-size bottle of my parents' lube." Susi laughed at the embarrassed groan from the rest of the girls, chuckling as he looked between them. "I still think it's Gwen," he laughed, and turned to Isla as she paused. "You're wrong - it was me!" she announced as she pointed at herself. "Cindy and Ianthe, gunge him!" Susi yelped and clasped his hands together on his lap as the girls next to him hoisted their buckets upward, and closed his eyes and looked up at the last second as two thick waves of goo splurged down across his muzzle. He held his breath as the stuff trickled down through his face fur, feeling it slither on to his shoulders and down his chest as the heavy wave of gunge slowed to a set of trickles spattering on to his face. He bowed his head and shook himself with a grin, using his index fingers to wipe at his eyes and slowly blinking them open to see he was covered in deep blue and yellow slime, with a green streak down his chest where the colors were slithering together. Running his hands up over his head, he flicked his hair back and grinned at the yelps from the two girls as the movement sent droplets of slime flying around him. "Okay, let's see if you can recover from that!" Isla continued, then looked down at the stack of cards again. "After the show I was on, the friend I came with secretly yiffed the presenter!" She nearly broke into a laugh as she read the card out. "Who among us would use the word 'yiff'?" Susi grinned as he looked between the girls, Cindy obviously giggling embarrassedly, but decided to draw it out. "Well, I really hope it wasn't Friday Night Party..." he said as he nodded toward Ianthe. "Hey, he's kind of sexy in a... mature way..." she smiled back. "And I'd know if anyone had got with Alex - it's got to be Cindy!" he said. "You're right!" Isla called. "And you're going to the edge of the pit...!" Susi's heart thumped as the two girls pushed him forward again, and yipped as the front wheels of the chair suddenly gave way at the edge, leaving him leaning forward precariously above the dark gloopy surface. His ears pricked, his heartbeat reverberating in them as Isla calmly read out the next card. "When I was young, I was caught by my parents watching a game show with my clothes off!" "Oh, it's got to be Gwen," he answered immediately, looking at the beautiful muddy dragoness in front of him as she waved. Even though he was sure of his answer, his stomach lurched as the lizardess took a long breath. "He's right!" As Isla triumphantly called out the result, Gwen cackled and raised a hand up to beckon to him, black mud dripping off her hand as she curled her finger towards herself. "What does he get?" "Mudbath!" the others called in unison. Susi watched as Cindy stooped to haul another bucket of slime up from the ground, then closed his eyes, his ears flattening as the girls continued the chant around him. Suddenly it was drowned out by another wave of gunge pouring over his head and splattering on to his shoulders, and he whimpered through his smile as the fresh coating of goo slithered through his fur. Suddenly there was a mighty kick from behind him, and he yelped, his body arching backwards as the chair's front legs glooped all the way down into the mud, leaving him flailing in the air before falling bodily into the pool. He held his breath as his surroundings went dark, a glooping noise all around him as he struggled to gain his balance in the thick mud. After a couple of seconds, his pawing feet found the bottom of the pit, and he levered himself upright, pushing the mud aside with both hands as he clawed his way to the surface. He gasped in exhiliration as his head broke through the surface of the quagmire, working himself upright as his fur tried to stand on end against the weight of the black mud. He tilted his head forward, feeling the ooze drip down from his face and along his muzzle for a few seconds before he finally opened his eyes. His fur was completely matted against his skin under a smooth, thick black layer that had coated him completely. Beads of the mud rolled down against him, softly settling on to the surface of the pool around his waist, which was rippling heavily up and down from where he'd fallen in. As he raised his arms, heavy drips of it fell from them and smacked on to the surface, leaving round furrows before the mud glooped closed around them. He hooted with laughter, wiping his eyes and blinking them to clear some of the slimy mud away. He straightened up to find himself face to face with the pink dragoness, who grinned at him with a bright gleam in her eyes. She raised her clean hand to his mouth and wiped the mud away from his lips, then dipped forward and kissed him gently on the mouth, holding herself there as she held his chin in place with one hand. Slowly, Susi brought his hands up, clasping one hand around the back of her head and the other stroking down her cheek, leaving a stripe of the rich mud on her face. As the kiss broke off, he stared into her eyes and grinned at her flushed face, pawing at her under the surface. "Come here, you...!" Susi reared back, a growl that had been pent up all afternoon escaping from his throat, and pulled Gwen towards him as he walked backwards, his feet slithering against the bottom of the pool. The dragoness squeaked but eagerly followed him, climbing hand over hand along his arms and grasping him by the shoulders, letting his hands move to her sides and then around her hips as he felt her large slippery breasts press against his own chest. Susi leaned back against the edge of the mud pool, lifting the pink dragoness's bottom up to float above his lap as he ground himself back against a small ledge under the surface. A blush came to her face as she wrapped her thighs around his waist, and she bit her lip as she felt his solid length brushing against her thigh. Panting, she leaned in to kiss him again, and she lifted herself up with her hands on either side of his head at the edge of the pool before slithering down to nestle on top of him. The other girls whooped and wolf-whistled as Susi and Gwen moved together, her mud-coated breasts bouncing in front of his eyes as she rode on his lap. He eyed them hungrily and then brought his hands up her sides to plant his muddy palms on them, his thumbs finding her nipples and stroking them around in circles. Grinning as she squeaked and closed her eyes, he continued to massage her slippery chest, already knowing he wasn't going to last long as he felt the beautiful dragoness's entrance slither and shudder warmly around his pulsing length. "Hey, you two!" Isla's voice suddenly came from above. "Gungy dragon says 'what'?" "What...?" the pink dragoness asked, snapping suddenly out of her blissful haze and looking up to see Cindy poised above the pair of them with a bucket, the blue lizardess standing behind her. "Okay - gunge Gwen!" "Waaughh!" Gwen's expression of shock turned into an open-mouthed grin as she instinctively hunched her shoulders, her hands grasping Susi's fur tightly as the bucket was upended on top of her and a curtain of yellow gunge poured out to splatter over her head. Susi closed his eyes as the flow continued, licking back and forth over his own head as well, and pushed his hips upward against Gwen's as she twitched rapidly against him. Suddenly he felt her tighten around his wolfhood, and he thrust upwards again, blinking his eyes open to see her face dripping with gunge as her orgasm shuddered through her. The image sent him over the edge, and he grunted, growling as his hands plunged underneath the surface to hold Gwen's hips tightly against his lap as he came explosively into her. He leaned shuddering against the bank of the pool, feeling pulse after pulse flow from him as he came down from the high of sex and the build-up of the entire afternoon. Slowly, the pink dragoness's feet slipped from the ledge behind him and she sank them back down, his fur feeling electric as her smooth thighs brushed down his. With her shoulders heaving as she caught her breath, she half-opened her eyes, wiping the gunge away from them with the back of her hand. With a smile, she leaned forward, collapsing against him with her arms around his back. He weakly reached his hands up to return the hug, then panted, drained, as Gwen pulled herself off his retreating length with a final kiss to the muzzle. She swung her leg awkwardly over and away from him, turning away to lean beside him on the side of the mudbath. As she cuddled up next to him he smiled weakly, watching the rest of the girls clambering into the pool with them, Isla eagerly pushing herself off the side and sinking up to her neck while the other two turned around and tentatively climbed in backwards. Isla bobbed over and nuzzled under Susi's other arm as he watched Ianthe and Cindy getting in, the white dragoness yelping as she let go of the edge and glooped in up to her tummy. The thick mud stretched down and then bulged up again, lapping against her white skin and making her squeak as she turned to face the others. "Getting kind of crowded..." Gwen said as the sandy lizardess joined them as well, her hands hugged to her bare breasts as she struggled squeamishly towards the group. "Heh, just the way I like it..." Susi replied as they arranged themselves in a group hug, the dark mud displaced almost to neck height and sliding slickly between them. With his hands lazily tracing circles over Isla and Gwen's muddy smooth skin, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes in a blissful daze. --- After another communal shower and a well prepared dinner, the group retreated to the bedroom, where they talked and laughed long into the evening, watching the light gradually fade from the sky. During a pause in the conversation with them all staring out the window at the night sky over the forest, Cindy stretched her arms up and yawned. "Today's been great..." she said as she dropped her arms. "But do you want to think about sleeping some time?" "Yeah, I'm exhausted," Ianthe agreed, scratching the back of her head as she sat up. "So... Gwen, Susi, you want the king bed in the other room?" Susi looked to the pink dragoness, but Gwen was already heading to the other side of the room, hauling the second queen bed out from the wall. "Want to make a nest?" she asked. "You know, Su - like we did when I came to visit..." "Oh, I haven't done that with friends since I was in school!" Cindy laughed, and enthusiastically jogged over to help Gwen push the beds together. After a group effort to bring more covers in from the second bedroom, arranging them all and climbing in to get comfortable, Susi found himself buried happily in the sheets with Gwen nuzzled under his right arm, gently stroking Ianthe's leg with his left hand, and with his head resting on Isla's chest. He grinned to himself as he looked at the stars outside the window, seeming impossibly bright with no light from anywhere on the mountain to block them out. "Good day?" Gwen whispered to him, smiling as he stroked her back, and Cindy adjusted her arms clasped around the pink dragon's tummy. "Oh, yeah..." the wolf murmured back blissfully. "The best..." He tailed off as Isla reached her arm down to stroke under his chin, purring as her fingers massaged his fur. "Good," she smiled. "Because we haven't nearly used up all our ideas on you yet..." "Heh..." he laughed tiredly. "I hope you're going to be up for another set of games when Nyte and Dave get here..." "David," Gwen leaned up and corrected her sleepily, then her head thumped back into her pillow. "Yeah," Isla waved her hand. "So, everyone... what do you want to do with them?"