AFTER THE SHOW Written by Iron-K in 2003 but released in 2020! It was just past midnight when David was startled by a knock at the door of his college-owned flat. Quickly making sure his white dressing gown was tied firmly, he got up from the bed and walked over, taking a look through the peep-hole to make sure that it was indeed who he thought before unlocking the door to let her in. "Rachel! How was it?" He hugged his jaguarmorph girlfriend as she stepped over the threshold, pulling away quickly as he felt the damp from the rain on her coat soaking in to his nightwear. "I'm sorry, I should have picked you up from the station," he said, looking down at her wet clothing. "Don't worry," she smiled at him, taking off her coat and hanging it up next to the door. "It was good fun." "Did you get messy?" he asked, his face breaking in to a grin. She giggled sweetly. "Oh, yes. But I'll tell you about that later. I'll be right back," she added, giving him a peck on the lips before heading in to the ensuite bathroom. David stepped back over to the bed, taking off his gown to reveal his grey raccoon body - he didn't have the most muscular of builds, but he was in reasonably good shape. He slipped under the warmth of the covers quickly as he heard the sound of the electric toothbrush starting up next door, and lay in wait for Rachel's return. Presently the door unlocked and she appeared again, dressed in a similar white gown. She shrugged it off her shoulders as she approached and let it drop behind her to the floor, revealing her curvaceous body - soft yellow fur with black spots, giving way to slightly shorter white fur on her belly and chest - just before climbing in beside him. He held out his right arm to put it round her as she settled on to the pillow. "You're gorgeous, Rachel," he whispered in to her ear as he stroked her long blond hair with his free hand. "You keep telling me that," she grinned back, turning her head around to face him and looking in to his pale blue eyes. "It's true," he said, moving in for another kiss. As their muzzles met, Rachel shifted around to lie on her side facing him, stroking the fur across his belly with her curled fingers. He shivered and leaned back in to the pillow, then closed his eyes, feeling an erection beginning as she worked her fingers down the way. "So, tell me about it - what did they do to you?" he murmured. "I'll let you find out that when you watch it, I don't want to give everything away! You'll love this, though..." she leaned closer to speak in to his ear. "I got slimed in one of the gunge cubicles. Three times." He opened his eyes suddenly and turned to her. She giggled at his expression. "I knew you'd love it, you like those machines, don't you?" "Yeah..." he relaxed. "I just like the way the stuff sort of splatters off you when it drops, especially if it's done by a machine..." He shivered again as he imagined the sight of Rachel being covered in gunge. "...I don't sound crazy, do I?" The feline smiled and shook her head, and he smiled back, relieved. "I'm really looking forward to seeing that. Did you enjoy it?" "It was great." She put her arms around him, and snuggled up close as he hugged her back tightly. "Why didn't you tell me you were in to that sort of thing before?" David hesitated slightly, his head resting on Rachel's neck, and he traced the curve of her hip with his left hand as he thought of how to reply. "Well... I thought you would think it a bit strange," he said. "I mean..." "No, it's OK. I can see why you would like it, the smooth, wet feeling of the stuff running down you... I'd love to try something like that with you some time." There was a pause. "How about now?" he asked. She giggled in response, pulling a little away from him so that they were facing each other again, and curled her right leg around him, drawing closer. "I'd love to, but what can we use?" He thought for a few moments. "I think there's a can of cream in the fridge..." he suggested. She grinned at him. "Back in a minute!" She squirmed out of his grip and swung her legs off the side of the bed, pulling on her silky blue pyjama bottoms. David loved seeing her in those, they were practically see-through, and he couldn't take his eyes off her as she bounded through to the kitchen. She reappeared a moment later, brandishing the spraycan of condensed cream, and leapt on top of him, pulling the covers away to expose his chest. "Ready?" she asked, aiming the nozzle at the tuft of fur right between his nipples. He looked up in to her eyes, and nodded with a smile. Eagerly, she pressed the trigger and giggled as the cream squirted out, forming a large heap on top of him. After a few seconds, she laid the can on the bedside table and plunged both hands in to the mound, beginning to rub it all over his chest. He gasped and closed his eyes. "What's wrong?" She hesitated, stopping the rubbing motion but keeping her hands on him. He looked back up at her with a smile. "It's freezing!" he laughed. "I'll show you..." He brought his hands down and gathered up cream from his front, then grabbed both her white-furred breasts and began roughly massaging the gooey substance in to them, feeling her soft pink nipples harden underneath his hands. She squealed and shifted forwards, positioning her legs on either side of him and sitting on his belly, kicking the covers off him behind her. She put her hands on his shoulders and bent down to kiss him - he slid his hands down to her sides, then to her bottom, fondling it through the silky material as he felt the throbbing of his erection. Straightening again, she took hold of his wrists and guided his hands back to her cream-covered breasts, giggling as she felt his warm touch through the cold stickiness, and wrapped her long tail around his right leg, bouncing slightly up and down on top of him. "Let's get rid of these," she said through her laughter, and her hands moved down to pull what little clothing she wore off, shifting upwards so she could squirm out of them, exposing fully the small strip of black hair between her legs and kneeling over him. As she struggled out of her nightwear, David lifted his right hand and gently stroked the slit with his fingers, making her eep with excitement as he found her clitoris, rolling his thumb around it. After getting out her pyjamas and tossing them aside, she leaned over to the bedside table, removed a rubber sheath from its packaging and shuffled backwards, settling back down and leaning over his aroused penis. David leaned up on his elbows, whimpering as she took hold of the end of it. He closed his eyes, enjoying the tingling feeling as she worked two of her fingers down the way, rolling the protective slowly and gently over the stem. Giving it a light squeeze, she crawled up again so that their faces were level, and lay down on top of him. He stroked her left cheek, smearing cream on to her face, and they kissed once more. He leaned over to the side, bringing her with him, and turned her around so that she was lying next to him, both facing the ceiling. Moving under her, he scooped some of the cream from between her breasts. He moved his hand teasingly downwards, eventually reaching her groin, and stroked his sticky fingers up and down. Rachel moaned with pleasure and spread her legs a little to enjoy the feeling more, sliding her left arm underneath his body. With his free hand he fondled her right breast, and he leaned over to kiss her on the cheek, bringing his face away with a little cream on the end of his muzzle. "I love you, Rachel," he whispered, beginning to stroke her faster. She squirmed as the feeling intensified, giving a light whimper as she responded. "I love you." He leaned over her, and they kissed deeply again. This time, he let go and moved around to position himself between her open legs, and his hands returned to her breasts. She smiled up at him as he drew even closer, eeping as she felt him teasing her swollen labia with the tip of his penis. "Ready?", he asked, leaning down to rub his muzzle against hers. She nodded in reply, and gasped as he slowly slid in to her, feeling a tingling sensation as he ran his hands down the way. He shuffled forwards, kissing her on the lips as their faces drew level, then, beginning to slide gently back and forwards, he placed his head over her shoulder, licking the cream from her cheek. Rachel gave her sweet giggle again and brought her legs upwards, wrapping them around his body and settling in to the rhythm, her hands on his shoulders. She squeaked with pleasure in response to every thrust he made, and shivered as he kissed her on the neck, speeding up. She slid her hands down to his slimy chest, feeling his warm fur underneath, and squirmed in his grasp, closing her eyes and leaning back in to the softness of the pillow, purring gently. After a moment, she felt him pause. She slid her legs downwards and opened her eyes again, a puzzled expression on her face. It turned in to a grin as she realised what he was thinking - he glanced over to the bedside table, leaned across, still inside her, and grabbed the cream canister. "My turn", he laughed, and sprayed whipped cream liberally over her chest and tummy, directing the spray up and down as she squealed and writhed around underneath him, laughing. Eventually he put the can aside again and flopped down on to her, mushing the cream between their bodies as he kissed her again. She reached up and held his chin, kissing him over and over as they moved in rhythm with each other, lubricated by the sweet layer as it dripped down Rachel's sides and on to the sheet. She slipped her hands around his back and held him close, wrapping her legs around as well, and rolled over so that he was on the bottom. Leaning upwards and tucking her legs around so that she was in a sitting position on his penis, she flicked her cream-specked hair behind her shoulders and rode back and forward, her breasts bouncing as David responded by pushing upwards, his hands around her ankles. Soon, though, her cream-covered nipples proved irresistible to him and he slid his hands along her legs and up to her chest, taking hold of the soft globes of flesh and fur. He gently squeezed them, pushing them together, as Rachel sped up again, wriggling and pressing herself down on to him as she wrapped her long tail around his left leg. "Oh, Rachel..." he sighed, leaning up and putting his arms around her, so that they were both in sitting positions facing each other. "I love you," he whispered again as he felt an orgasm rapidly coming, and caressed her, feeling her breasts squash against his own chest. She responded with a gentle moan and took hold of his chin again, her other hand behind his back, and jiggled faster as she felt her own climax building. David couldn't hold himself back any longer, and moved in quickly to kiss her on the lips again, imagining the gorgeous jaguar girl covered in thick, dripping gunge as he felt the liquid surge out through his penis. Still heaving his hips against hers, a second wave came and he gasped, feeling it drip back down inside the sheath as her vagina contracted around it. She threw her head back and moaned as her orgasm hit, leaning back in and hugging him tightly again as the intense tingle spread out from her groin, then pushed him back on to the bed, landing in a heap on top of him as they both panted for breath. Rachel rubbed her muzzle against his, stretching herself as the climax slowly faded. She wriggled her hips, slithering up and off him, then rolled away to lie beside him. She watched him carefully roll the sheath off himself and lean over to deposit it in the bin, then pulled the duvet up to cover them both as he turned back to her. She placed her arms around his shoulders, her head resting on his sticky chest. "That was brilliant, David," she purred, massaging his shoulders gently as he moved his hands to cuddle her. She nuzzled in to his warm chest fur, lazily licking some of the remaining cream off him. "Shouldn't we clear this up?" he asked, looking down at her spattered hair and allowing his hands to wander to her breasts again. She smiled to herself. "It can wait until the morning," she murmured, and yawned. Laughing, he kissed her beautiful blonde hair one more time before leaning back in to the pillow and settling down to sleep, already looking forward to seeing her appearance on Industrial Zone.